Monday, August 27, 2018


Key Lime Pie Cheesecake Dip – A sweet and tangy dip that tastes just like key lime cheesecake!  This dip is no bake and super simple to whip up.  The perfect cool and creamy summer dessert!

key lime pie dip

It’s been incredibly warm here and since it’s too early in the year to go swimming and cool off…..I’ll just cool off with this creamy key lime pie dip.
Logic.  Right?
But, really, my kids have been begging me to get one of those plastic pools from the store and fill it up for them.
Sadly, the answer has been no.
I did have to laugh at the thought of two almost teenage (cringe) kiddos in a tiny plastic pool!
Pretty sure they weren’t thrilled with my dip instead of pool offering.
I personally think it’s a perfectly fair compromise.
This dip is so delicious….just give me a spoon and let me dive in, please.
It’s not overly sweet which I like.  Key lime things are supposed to have a prominent tang in my book.
Best part about this dip?  10 minutes or less to put together.  Boom. Snack time.
It makes a decent amount too, and no matter how badly you want to eat the entire bowl of silky goodness, you should probably share.  Because, it’s gonna be your favorite dip to take to all of your summer cookouts and parties this year.
Key Lime Pie Cheesecake Dip
all image & recipes adapted by