Tuesday, September 11, 2018


Told y’all you were going to be inundated with flatbread recipes 🙂 This week was a game changer when it comes to flatbread at my house. I learned how to make it on the grill!! Holy taste explosion Batman. Just when I thought that flatbread couldn’t get any better, I had to go and throw it on the grill 🙂
Here’s my problem though…we currently only have an old fashioned Weber charcoal grill that is kind of a pain to deal with. I’m not a whiz at the grill. Like at all. In all honesty it took me about an hour to get the coals hot enough to grill something. I’m desperately trying to convince my husband that a new grill is a must have this summer. Think of all the amazing food I could grill all my myself if we had a kick ass gas grill. So far no such luck…sigh… but I have a plan.

  1. Oven Method
  2. Prepare the paleo cracker recipe according to the directions found here . Only do not cut it before putting it in the oven.
  3. Bake the crust for 8 minutes
  4. Remove from oven and pour the sauce over crust.
  5. Add chicken and bacon
  6. Sprinkle cheese over the chicken and bacon
  7. Broil on high for 5 minutes or until the cheese is slightly golden.
  8. Serve warm.
  9. Grill Method
  10. Prepare the paleo cracker recipe according to the directions found here . Only do not cut it
  11. Heat Charcoal or gas grill no hotter than 425
  12. Place a piece of tinfoil on the grill, put parchment paper with crust on top of the tinfoil
  13. Grill for 5-8 minutes
  14. Add sauce, chicken and bacon
  15. Top with cheese
  16. Grill an additional 5-8 minutes until cheese is melted
  17. Remove from the grill, cut and serve.