Thursday, September 20, 2018

Oven Fried Chicken Taquitos

This is actually a very old Hungry Hobby recipe, circa de 2014 when I had two readers and took photos with my crappy cell phone.  Pretty sure it wasn’t even an iPhone!

Trust me, the photos desperately needed updating!  Besides, Mexican food is hands down my favorite food, any time any place I LOVE Mexican food. Luckily for me, it is also one of the easiest foods to health-a-fy.

If you love Mexican food as much as I do, definitely check out this roundup of healthy Mexican food I put together for Cinco De Mayo.  It has over 30 healthier Mexican food meals to satisfy any craving, anytime!

Now back to this super bomb taquito recipe which takes your typical taquito calorie bomb and lightens it up by using chicken and baking instead of deep frying the taquitos. I also snuck in a few veggies, but I promise you won’t’ taste them! Way healthier than a restaurant version or frozen food, but still just as crunchy and delicious.

The bonus is, I was surprised at how easy this all came together. I thought it would be labor intensive with the rolling of the taquitos but the whole thing was ready in about 35 minutes!

For more detail visit :