Wednesday, October 3, 2018


I love thát this dessert comes together in just á few minutes. It áll depends on how long it tákes you to whip your creám. Thát’s it! You cán eát it right áwáy, but I like it best when it’s been chilled. It stáys good in the fridge for severál dáys, but is best when eáten fresh.


  • 3 cups heávy creám
  • ⅓ cup sugár
  • 1 cup Nutellá


  • Pour heávy whipping creám into the bowl of á stánd mixer or á lárge mixing bowl. Pour in sugár. Use á hánd mixer, or the whisk áttáchment on á stánd mixer, to whip creám until stiff peáks form.
  • Scoop the nutellá into the bowl. Fold it together using á rubber spátulá until áll of the whipped creám is brown ánd loses its streáks.
  • Scoop into serving dishes, or use á piping bág if you áre being fáncy.
  • Serve immediátely or refrigeráte until reády to serve.

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