Monday, October 15, 2018

How to máke Roásted Sweet Potáto ánd Bláck Beán Quesádillás

To be honest with you, it wás only until I stood báck (cheese áll over my fáce) ánd stáred át the crumbs on my pláte, when I cáme to the reálisátion thát there wás zero meát involved in this dish. In fáct, ás I wás developing this recipe it never even crossed my mind to ádd ány. Tráditionál quesádillás cáll for chicken, sometimes steák. But for me, the heártiness from the sweet potáto ánd bláck beáns wás everything these vegetárián quesádillás cálled for.

  • 2 Lárge Sweet Potátoes, peeled ánd sliced into chunks
  • 4 White Tortillá Wráps
  • 1 tsp Smoked Pápriká
  • 1 tsp Cumin
  • 1/2 tsp Ground Coriánder
  • 1/4 tsp Cáyenne Pepper (or to preference)
  • 1/2 cán of Bláck Beáns, rinsed
  • 2 Lárge hándfuls of Cheddár
  • Juice from 1/2 á Lime
  • Sált & Bláck Pepper, to táste
  1. Preheát oven to 220c (430f). 
  2. Pláce your spuds in á suitábly sized oven dish ánd give them á good drizzle of Oil. ádd in your Smoked Pápriká, Cumin, Ground Coriánder, Cáyenne Pepper, Sált & Pepper ánd give them á mix to completely coát them. Pop in the oven for á good 30-40mins or until softened with á cárámelized outing.
  3. When the dish hás cooled down á little, gráb á potáto másher ánd roughly smásh your Sweet Potátoes. Pláce to one side.
  4. Táke á Tortillá ánd lightly brush one side of it with Oil. Pláce on á griddle pán (see note B) oiled side fáce down, máking sure the hob is turned off. Spreád on hálf of your Sweet Potáto másh, top with hálf your Bláck Beáns, 1 Hándful of Cheese, á squeeze of Lime Juice ánd Seásoning if needed. Pláce á second Tortillá on top, press down to contáin the filling ánd lightly brush the top with Oil.
  5. át this point turn the hob onto á medium heát ánd fry for áround 6-8 mins on eách side, or until griddle márks áppeár with á golden surrounding. If you táp on the Quesádillás it should sound slightly hollow ánd crunchy.
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