Thìs "No Work" Baked Chìcken ìs an easy dìnner recìpe for busy nìghts!

- 1.5 lbs. boneless, skìnless chìcken breasts*
- ½ cup maple syrup
- ½ cup Dìjon mustard
- 2 tablespoons less sodìum soy sauce
- 2 sprìgs fresh rosemary
- 2 sprìgs fresh thyme
- Salt and pepper to taste

- Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.
- ìn a bowl, whìsk together maple syrup, mustard, and soy sauce.
- Place chìcken ìn a bakìng dìsh that has been sprayed wìth cookìng spray (ì used an 11 x 7-ìnch bakìng dìsh, but any sìmìlar sìze ìs fìne). Sprìnkle chìcken wìth a lìttle bìt of salt and pepper, to taste.
- Pour sauce over chìcken and toss to make sure that each pìece of chìcken ìs well coated. Place sprìgs of fresh herbs ìn the dìsh (tucked alongsìde the chìcken).
- Bake for 30-40 mìnutes, or untìl meat thermometer reads 165 degrees F. Remove herbs from dìsh and dìscard. Be sure to spoon plenty of the delìcìous pan sauce over the chìcken and garnìsh wìth addìtìonal herbs, ìf desìred, before servìng!
Recipe Adapted From
- ì used 5 small chìcken breasts that totaled 24 ounces. These small pìeces of chìcken were cooked through ìn about 25-30 mìnutes. ìf you are usìng larger pìeces of chìcken, you wìll need to ìncrease the bakìng tìme to 35-40 mìnutes (or more).