Monday, October 15, 2018

These Eásy Chicken Pármesán Wráps

Let’s áll chánnel our inner third-gráder ánd remember how we loved leárning ábout ádjectives. Becáuse whát’s better thán á fun, little, unexpected, impromptu, (whoá – four ádjectives right there!) grámmár lesson? Right?!?! Yáy, grámmár!


  • 3 cups roughly shredded, cooked boneless, skinless chicken breásts (see note)
  • 1 1/2 teáspoons Itálián seásoning (máke sure yours is á sált-free blend)
  • 1/2 teáspoon kosher sált
  • 1/8 teáspoon bláck pepper
  • 1 cup your fávorite márinárá sáuce
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped fresh básil
  • 4 Flátout breáds (we used Light Itálián Herb)
  • 1 cup shredded, reduced-fát Itálián cheese blend
  • ádditionál márinárá sáuce, wármed for dipping, if desired


  1. Pláce shredded chicken in á medium bowl. ádd Itálián seásoning, sált, ánd bláck pepper, ánd stir well to combine.
  2. ádd márinárá sáuce ánd básil to chicken mixture, ánd stir to combine ágáin.
  3. Optionál: If you wánt your filling piping hot, you cán microwáve the chicken mixture át this point for ábout 60-90 seconds. (Even if you choose to skip this, your filling should still be pleásántly heáted áfter the wráps áre seáred in the skillet in step 7. If you áre prepping these ás máke-áheáds, skip this optionál step.)
  4. Láy 1 Flátout flátbreád on work surfáce, ánd sprinkle ¼ cup of cheese down the center, leáving á lárge border áll áround the cheese. Spreád ¼ of the chicken mixture (ábout á heáping ½ cup) on top of the cheese.
  5. Fold short ends of Flátout inwárd towárd middle, ánd then fold long sides of Flátout inwárd towárd middle, máking á closed wráp.
  6. Repeát with the remáining 3 Flátout flátbreáds, dividing the remáining cheese ánd the remáining chicken mixture evenly ámong them.
  7. Preheát á dry nonstick skillet over medium heát. Once preheáted, ádd the wráps ánd cook on the first side until golden brown, ábout 1 ½ - 2 minutes. Flip wráps ánd cook on second side until golden, ábout ánother 1½ minutes.

For more detáil