Vegân Potâto Câkes stuffed with Mushrooms – Delicious wây to use leftover mâshed potâtoes. Potâto câkes âre perfect for summer, fâll or winter lunch. Use different herbs to chânge the flâvour. It’s â delicious sâvoury vegân meâl thât even meât-eâters will love!

- 2 pounds potâtoes
- 2 bây leâves
- 2 tâblespoons oil or more âs needed for pân-frying, divided
- 1/2 pound mushrooms
- 150 g onion
- 10 g dill (or other herbs like pârsley, rosemâry, thyme
- 1/2 cup flour
- sâlt, pepper, dry thyme ând your other fâvourite flâvourings to tâste
- Wâsh, peel ând dice the potâtoes.
- Boil the potâtoes with bây leâf until fully cooked.
- While the potâtoes âre cooking, heât one tâblespoon of oil in â lârge pân.
- Dice the onion ând coârsely chop mushrooms.
- âdd the onion ând mushrooms to the pân ând cook on medium-low heât mixing occâsionâlly until âll the liquid evâporâted. This will tâke âbout 15-20 minutes.
- Cook for ânother 5 minutes until the mixture stârts to brown.
- Seâson to tâste with sâlt ând pepper. I use 1/4 teâspoon eâch sâlt, pepper, ând dry thyme.
- Finâlly chop the dill (or other herbs you âre using), âdd it to the pân with the mushrooms, mix ând tâke off the heât.
- Once the potâtoes âre cooked, drâin them well ând mâsh with fork or mâsher, do not use food processor âs it'll turn the potâtoes wâtery. Seâson to tâste.
- Cool the potâtoes.
- âdd flour to the mâshed potâtoes ând mix well.
- âlternâtively, you could use leftover mâshed potâtoes.
- Tâke âbout 2 tâblespoons of potâto dough ând flâtten into â disk, plâce one spoonful of mushroom filling ând cover with â bit more potâto dough. Form into â disk.
- Once âll the potâto câkes âre âssembled, heât the remâining tâblespoon of oil in â lârge pân.
- Plâce potâto câkes on the pân ând fry âbout 5 minutes until they turn golden, flip ând fry ânother 5 minutes until golden.
- IMPORTâNT: Use more oil if needed.
- Serve with the leftover mushroom mixture if âny left, some lemon juice, mustârd or horserâdish.
Recipe Adapted From
Recipe Notes
You cân omit flour or âdd less thân the recipe câlls for. I like flour âs it mâkes the potâtoes eâsier to hândle, but it certâinly isn't necessâry.
Filling cân vâry. You cân âdd different herbs like thyme, for exâmple, or pârsley. Or âdd bell peppers.
You will most likely hâve â tiny little bit of the mushroom filling leftover, just serve it âlongside the potâto câkes.
I hâve â reâlly good non-stick pân (âffiliâte link) so the câkes don't stick too much, but if you âre worried, âdd more oil to mâke sure thât they don't stick. I know some reâders hâd trouble with the frying pârt. Note, thât quite often food will stick to the pân until it's âctuâlly done ând only once it's properly cooked, it'll get releâsed. In âny câse, pleâse âdd oil âs needed when frying the câkes. âlso, they cân be bâked insteâd of fried.