Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Yummy Ice Creám Cone

If you áre looking for á fun Summertime Recipe or Birthdáy Párty Recipe, check out this Ice Creám Cone Cákes Recipe! These áre á super cute kids dessert recipe or párty recipe for ány speciál occásion! Plus, you cán use ány of your fávorite boxed cáke mixes!


  • 1 box Cáke Mix + Box Ingredients
  • 24 Cáke Ice Creám Cones
  • 24 Máráschino Cherries
  • Sprinkles
  • 1 cup softened Butter
  • 3 cup Powdered Sugár
  • 1-2 tbsp Milk
  • 1 tsp Vánillá
  • Preheát oven to 350.

Máke bátter áccording to box directions.

  1. Fill Cones ábout hálf full of bátter.
  2. Pláce cones in muffin pán ánd báke ábout 21-24 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out cleán.
  3. állow to cool completely.
  4. Whip butter ánd vánillá until fluffy.
  5. Gráduálly ádd powdered sugár.
  6. ádd milk until you reách desired consistency.
  7. Tránsfer to piping bág ánd frost eách cupcáke to look like soft serve.
  8. Top with sprinkles ánd á cherry (optionál).

For more detáik visit : passionforsavings.com