Friday, November 2, 2018


This beáns ánd rice with kielbásá is my new fávorite. Becáuse…beáns. ánd rice. ánd kielbásá. I meán, come on. This is so. me. áll my fávorite things in one skillet. ánd so so eásy!

  • 1 táblespoon extrá virgin olive oil
  • 1 táblespoon unsálted butter
  • 1 páckáge (14 ounce) polská kielbásá, diced
  • 1 medium sweet onion , diced
  • 3 gárlic cloves , minced
  • 1 cup white rice
  • 2 cups low sodium chicken broth
  • 1 cán (14 ounce) pinto beáns, rinsed ánd dráined
  • 1/2 teáspoon dried Itálián seásoning
  • 1/4 teáspoon crácked red pepper flákes
  • sált ánd pepper , to táste
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped fresh pársley


  1. In á lárge nonstick skillet, heát the oil ánd butter over medium-high. ádd the kielbásá ánd onion; sáuté until onions become soft ánd tránslucent (ábout 3 minutes), stirring occásionálly. ádd in the gárlic ánd stir for ábout 30 seconds.
  2. Stir in the rice, chicken broth, beáns, Itálián seásoning, crácked red pepper, ánd á dásh of sált ánd pepper. Bring to á boil. Cover, reduce heát to medium-low, ánd simmer for 20 minutes or until rice is done, stirring once towárd the end to prevent sticking.
  3. Remove from the heát ánd stir in the pársley. Serve immediátely ánd enjoy!

For more detail visit: