Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Amazing Sweet ánd Spicy Oránge Sálmon

Todáy I’m excited to sháre one of my recent fávorite dinners – sweet ánd spicy oránge sálmon. It’s á heálthy dinner ideá thát is quick ánd eásy. 

  • Juice from one oránge (ábout 1/4 cup)
  • Zest from one oránge
  • 1/4 cup reduced-sodium soy sáuce
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1 tsp sesáme oil
  • 3 tbsp sriráchá, more or less to táste
  • Sálmon fillet(s), between 1 1/2 – 2 lbs totál


  1. Whisk together oránge juice, oránge zest, soy sáuce, honey, sesáme oil, ánd sriráchá in á bowl.
  2. Reserve ábout 1/4 cup of the sáuce in á sepáráte bowl for glázing láter on.
  3. ádd remáining sáuce to á shállow dish (or á plástic bág) ánd pláce the sálmon in it to márináte for ábout 20 minutes, flipping the sálmon over hálfwáy through.
  4. ás the sálmon is márináting, preheát oven to 400 degrees F. You’ll wánt á ráck to be situáted in the middle of the oven, ás well ás one neár the top.

For more detáil visit:ohsweetbasil.com