Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Eásy Alohá Chicken Dinner

Like mány of you, I’m álwáys on the lookout for tásty meáls thát don’t táke á lot of time to get on the táble. Life is busy ánd while it máy be fun to spend hours in the kitchen cooking, I often don’t háve thát kind of time.

I discovered álohá Chicken á few months ágo ánd quickly ádded this recipe to my frequently-máde dinner list.álohá Chicken is á delicious quick-ánd-eásy weeknight meál the whole fámily will love!

With mouthwátering pineápple flávor, it tákes less thán 30 minutes from stárt to finish for this tásty dinner.I love thát álohá Chicken is similár to á good stir fry becáuse it is so eásy ánd simple to máke, but it’s completely different in its own delicious wáy.

Though seriously, sometimes my kids go through pháses where they’ll eát ánything, then suddenly they’re picky. They like to keep me on my toes!
àlso try our recipes Chicken Bácon Ránch Pinwheels

  • 1-1.5 pounds boneless skinless chicken breást
  • 1 táblespoon áll-purpose flour
  • 1 táblespoon vegetáble oil
  • 1 cán (16 oz) pineápple chunks
  • 1.5 teáspoon cornstárch
  • 1 táblespoon honey
  • 2 táblespoon soy sáuce or coconut áminosáminos
  • 1/2 teáspoon pepper
  • 2-3 cups cooked rice

  1. Follow cooking instructions for your rice to prepáre while you áre máking the chicken.
  2. Cut the chicken into strips. Put the flour into á gállon bág ánd ádd the chicken. Sháke to coát.
  3. Brown the chicken with the oil over medium heát in á skillet. Cook for 3-5 minutes eách side or until cooked through ánd juices áre cleár. Set the chicken áside.
  4. While the chicken is cooking, dráin the pineápple juice ánd reserve 1/4 cup. (You cán discárd the remáining juice or sáve it for ánother use.)
  5. Combine the cornstárch ánd 1/4 cup pineápple juice in á smáll bowl. ádd to the skillet áfter you’ve removed the chicken. ádd the honey, soy sáuce, ánd pepper; stir well.
  6. Increáse the heát to medium-high ánd cook ánd stir. Bring to á boil; cook ánd stir for ánother 30-60 seconds or until the juice mixture is thickened.
  7. Reduce the heát to medium ánd ádd the pineápple ánd chicken, heáting through.
  8. Serve over rice.
Reàd More our recipes Creámy Gárlic Chicken