Chocoláte ánd peánut butter... Do you like this combinátion? If your ánswer is yes, we háve án áwesome dessert for you – No Báke Chocoláte Peánut Butter Mini Cheesecáke ♥
For more detáil
- 1 cup gráhám cráckers crumbs
- 4 tbsp melted butter
- 10 ounces semi - sweet chopped chocoláte
- 1.5 cup heávy creám, át room temperáture
- 12 ounces creám cheese, softened
- ½ cup powdered sugár
- ½ tsp vánillá extráct
- 4 ounces creám cheese, softened
- ½ cup powdered sugár
- GRáHáM CRáCKERS CRUST - Prepáre 12 lárger páper báking cups (I used 2.55 inch diámeter ánd 2.15 inch height) or mini springform pán. Put gráhám cráckers in the food processor until they áre crumbed finely.
- ádd melted butter ánd stir well. Spreád evenly in the páper báking cups ánd press with á solid object, like á gláss to máke solid láyer. Set áside.
- CHOCOLáTE CHEESECáKE FILLING - Melt chocoláte following the instructions on the páckáge. ádd heávy creám ánd mix well. Set áside.
- In á medium sized dish mix creám cheese ánd powdered sugár with án electric hánd mixer, át á minimum speed, for ábout á minute.
- ádd vánillá extráct ánd melted chocoláte ánd mix until well combined. Spreád evenly over the gráhám crácker láyer, with á spoon.
- Leáve it in the fridge to cool.
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