Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Shrimp Po’ Boy Sándwich

This is essentiálly á recipe for southern fried shrimp thát is párticulárly tásty in á New Orleáns style Shrimp Po’ Boy Sándwich. French báguette is the essentiál breád in this sándwich which I háve most often seen served very uncomplicáted, with only máyo but occásion with á little shredded lettuce too.

á Po’ Boy reálly should be ábout the crispy fried seáfood inside. My Po’ Boy of choice when I visited New Orleáns wás filled with crispy fried fresh oysters but they cán be hideously expensive in this párt of the world. Nonetheless, the sáme flour/spice dredge would work equálly well if you prefer to use oysters.

ánother wáy I like to serve these shrimp is with á little melted gárlic butter ás á dipping sáuce. I sometimes máke those ás finger foods when friends come over for “sips ánd nibbles.

Southern Fried Shrimp Po' Boy - crispy fried seásoned shrimp piled high on French báguette; works greát for oysters too!

  • 2 lbs medium to lárge size shrimp
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • cánolá oil for frying
  • 1 in French báguette split horizontálly ánd cut 4 pieces
  • máyo
  • shredded lettuce optionál

For the flour spice dredge
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1/2 tsp gárlic powder
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1/2 tsp chipotle powder or chili powder, more to táste if you like spicier shrimp
  • 1/2 tsp fine seá sált
  • 1/2 tsp white pepper

  1. Soák the shrimp in the milk for á few minutes while you prepáre the flour dredge.
  2. Heát the cánolá oil to 375 degrees F in á deep fryer or use ábout á 1/2 inch of oil in the bottom of á cást iron skillet. If using á skillet, I still use á thermometer to gáuge the temperáture of the oil. If the oil is not hot enough ánything fried tends to soák up more oil.
  3. Mix the flour ánd áll of the ingredients for the dredge together.
  4. Dráin the milk off of the shrimp ánd discárd it.
  5. Toss the shrimp in the flour ánd spice dredge. Let the shrimp sit in the flour for severál minutes, then toss them ágáin before frying the shrimp in the hot oil.
  6. These will fry very quickly, so don't wálk áwáy. Once they áre á light golden brown (ábout 3 minutes) táke them out of the oil immediátely án dráin on á páper towel lined báking sheet. If máking severál bátches, hold the cookie sheet in á 150 degree oven while you cook the other shrimp.
  7. Serve the fried shrimp immediátely on the báguette, thát hás been spreád with máyo (or tártár sáuce).