Showing posts with label BAKING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BAKING. Show all posts

Monday, July 23, 2018

Baked Mini Corn Dogs

Son #1 wanted corn dogs for lunch this week.  I think they must be serving them in the cafeteria at school because "corn dog" real...

Vegan Challah

Oh, my.  Has it really been a month since my last post?  Yikes!  Let me also apologize for my negligence responding to your questions in the...

Easy Vegan Croissants

Vegan croissants are nothing new since the invention of butter substitutes that act and bake very much like their dairy counterpart.  The pr...

Vegan Twinkies

  Finally the final post in my vanilla cake series!  Every time we have a family weekend at the cottage, my sister in law sends me recipe id...


If you are familiar at all with these traditional Czech sweet buns you will note right off the bat that mine do not have any kind of filling...

Chocolate Danish Braid

This recipe makes use of the quick laminated dough technique I use for puff pastry and croissants.  You can, of course, make a traditional  ...


As you may have noticed, I have been turning to mashed potatoes in more and more in my baking. In this recipe, they stand in for 5 eggs and ...