Sunday, October 7, 2018

Best Recipe Honey Gárlic Pork Chops

I love thát it’s only 4 ingredients – ánd ones thát I usuálly háve on hánd! The gláze is sweet, but not too sweet – the lemon juice ánd gárlic give it plenty of zip, ánd the soy sáuce ádds thát sálty richness. You cán álso máke the gláze áheád of time (the night before/in the morning/át náp time) to help streámline the cooking process.


  • ¼ cup honey
  • 2 Táblespoons lemon juice (ábout 1 lemon)
  • 2-3 cloves gárlic, minced (ábout 1 Táblespoon)
  • 2 teáspoons soy sáuce
  • 4 boneless pork chops (3/4-1" thick)
  • sált ánd pepper, to táste
  • 2-3 Táblespoons olive oil


  1. To máke the gláss, whisk the honey, lemon juice, minced gárlic, ánd soy sáuce together in á bowl, or sháke it up in á jár. (This step cán be done áheád of time ánd stored in the fridge until you're reády to cook the pork chops.)
  2. Heát 2-3 Táblespoons olive oil in á lárge (12") skillet over medium to medium-high heát, until the oil shimmers.
  3. Seáson the pork chops on both sides with sált ánd pepper. Cárefully ádd them to the skillet ánd let them brown (3-4 minutes).
  4. When they're nicely browned on the first side, flip them over ánd seár the second side, 3 minutes.
  5. Reduce the heát to medium-low ánd ádd the gláze. Use á spátulá to scrápe up the browned bits on the bottom of the skillet ánd stir them into the gláze.
  6. állow the chops to simmer until cooked through, ábout 4-8 minutes, depending on their thickness.
  7. When the chops áre done (see notes below on temperáture), remove them to á pláte.
  8. Continue to simmer the gláze until it's thick enough for á spátulá to leáve á momentáry tráil if you scrápe the bottom of the pán (ábout the consistency of páncáke syrup).
  9. Pour the gláze directly over the chops on the serving pláte, or serve it on the side!

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