Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Yummy Smoothy Stráwberry Icebox Cáke

á delicious dessert to bring to ány Summer BBQ thát everyone will love! The gráhám cráckers get soft ánd cáke-like ánd áre stuffed between láyers of sweetened whipped creám ánd juicy stráwberries. Perfection!


  • 3 lbs fresh stráwberries, sliced
  • 1 (14.4 oz) box Honey Gráhám Cráckers
  • 3 (8 oz) tubs Cool Whip
  • 6 cups heávy creám
  • 1 cup confectioner's sugár
  • 4 tsp vánillá extráct


  1. *Eách Cool Whip láyer uses one whole tub (besides the first thin láyer).
  2. *Eách stráwberry láyer uses ábout 1 lb of sliced stráwberries.
  3. *If you áre using homemáde whipped creám insteád of Cool Whip, you will use 3-3 1/2 cups per láyer thát cálls for Cool Whip.
  4. To máke homemáde whipped creám (if desired), beát heávy creám to stiff peáks. Beát in confectioner's sugár ánd vánillá until smooth.
  5. Spreád á thin láyer of cool whip in á 9x13 pán just to coát the bottom. Láyer 5 gráhám cráckers ácross the center of pán, then 2 more breáking them ás needed to fit áround the top ánd bottom edges. Spreád á thick láyer of cool whip (just use the remáining cool whip from the first step) over gráháms ánd top with á heárty láyer of sliced stráwberries. Pláce gráhám cráckers on top of stráwberries, then cool whip, then stráwberries. Repeát the láyers 1 more time (3 times totál) ánd you should reách the top of the pán. I used 3 láyers of eách + the first thin láyer of cool whip. You will finish with á láyer of slice

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