Wednesday, November 7, 2018


The Best Pecán Pie Bárs - this eásy recipe includes á simple shortbreád bottom ánd á one bowl mix ánd pour topping.
  • 1¾ cups áll purpose flour
  • ½ cup sugár
  • ¾ cup cold butter
  • For the top láyer
  • ⅔ cup firmly pácked brown sugár
  • ⅓ cup +1 tbsp flour
  • 4 lárge or extrá lárge eggs
  • 1 táblespoon vánillá extráct
  • ½ tsp sált
  • 1½ cups corn syrup dárk is best
  • 2 cups roughly chopped pecáns no need to toást the pecáns
  1. This recipe uses á 9x13 báking pán. In this recipe I think it is best to line to lightly greáse the pán ánd line it with párchment páper so thát you cán lift the entire bátch out of the pán áfter they háve cooled ánd cut them on á cutting boárd. With cookie bárs like this, which háve different textures in the different láyers, this enábles you to háve á more precise feeling for how to cut them well. More ábout thát á little láter in the recipe.
  2. Preheát oven to 350 degrees F for áluminum báke wáre ánd 325 degrees F for gláss báke wáre.
  3. Mix together the 1/34 cups flour ánd ½ cup sugár. Rub the butter through the flour mixture until it is well incorporáted ánd resembles á dry coárse meál. (You cán pulse the butter into the flour mixture using á food processor if you prefer.)
  4. Press the crumb mixture firmly ánd evenly into the bottom of the prepáred báking pán ánd báke for 20 minutes. The edges should just be stárting to brown. Remove from oven ánd pour on the topping while still hot.

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